The role of public institutions, among other things, is to provide secure and stabile social environment, or directly to protect individuals and groups from certain insecurities. Institutions should regulate areas of social life in effective way, so the key human rights of people are provided. The main question to which this report attempts to answer is: are the public institutions in the Region capable to effectively perform their role and to deliver human security and wellbeing to people? Do people across the region trust in institutions and their capability to perform their role effectively?

The report is prepared by the Citizens Network for Peace, Reconciliation and Human Security in Balkans and Turkey, as part of the action supported by the European Commission. In the first part, regional overview of the trust in institutions is presented, based on secondary data from various available surveys in the Region. Second part of the report contains country specific case studies related to specific countries: Turkey, Bulgaria, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo.