First Step

First Step

The aim of the Project is to define strategic measures for strengthening the position of Roma women in the Pirot Municipality, and to propose further activities in this direction. The project leader is the citizen’s association Ternipe from Pirot, which advocates for the rights of Roma women in this municipality. SeConS provided expert support in implementing the project and drafting key documents aimed at strengthening the capacities of small organizations.

A survey on a sample of 200 female respondents was conducted as part of the project. The main objective was to analyse the current status of Roma women in Pirot, and draw attention to existing barriers for further development of their potential. As-is analysis formed the empirical basis for Local Action Plan (LAP) for Economic Empowerment of Roma Women in the Pirot Municipality. SeCons and Ternime worked together on developing the document, and survey results were used as a basis for later evaluation of LAP implementation.