Young People in Serbia 2015

Young People in Serbia 2015

Despite significant changes in Serbia after 2000, it is evident that there still exists a low level of integration of young people into the system: i.e. the exclusion from the labor sphere, postponement of social reproduction and family planning as well as a low level of political and civic participation. This project was therefore implemented as a way of obtaining a clearer picture of the current situation of young people in Serbia –i.e. particularly under ambiguous conditions of extended transition and accession to the EU– and as a way to further analyze their civic and political perceptions, as well as individual experiences.

1200 young people, aged between 15 and 29, took part in the conducted research. Based on the research, it was thus determined that among these young people, there exists certain structural differences. Despite a level of optimism, they are still faced with obstacles such as the increasing level of social inequalities, inefficient quality (and delivery) of education, high levels of unemployment, financial and living dependencies and a deep feeling of exclusion from the political sphere.

The obtained findings provide a clearer picture of the attitudes, perceptions and expectations of young people which is, of course, a great starting point for the designing of development programs aimed at responding to their needs. In this sense, the results represent guidelines which are helpful in policies creation –with the aim of increasing integration levels and ultimately, improving their living conditions.

On May 25, 2016, FES and SeConS hosted a round table conference in which they presented data, and their most important findings, to the decision makers in Serbia.