Evaluation of the Action Plan for the Implementation of the National Strategy for Improving the Position of Women and Promoting Gender Equality in the Republic of Serbia

Evaluation of the Action Plan for the Implementation of the National Strategy for Improving the Position of Women and Promoting Gender Equality in the Republic of Serbia

The subject of this evaluation is the National Strategy for Improving the Position of Women and Promoting Gender Equality in the Republic of Serbia and the Action Plan for the Implementation of the Strategy, for the period 2010-2015. This was the first Action Plan on gender equality in Serbia, and a network of partners on national and local level, in cooperation with the civil sector, participated in its drafting. The team of evaluators was made up of prominent experts for each of the priority areas and a specialist for the evaluation process.

The goal of evaluation was to assess the success of the Government and its partners in the implementation of activities proposed by the National Action Plan. A wide consultative process was conducted to facilitate evaluation, and incorporated institutions and NGOs responsible for carrying out activities proposed by the Action Plan.

In addition to evaluating the efficiency and productivity of Plan implementation, and identification of results achieved, relevance of priority areas defined by the Plan was reassessed. Lessons and experiences were used in drafting a new Strategy, aiming to ensure activities of various actors who participated in drafting the Strategy were coordinated.

This evaluation was adjudged as one of the top four evaluations performed for UN Women in 2015.