Development of the Strategy and the Action Plan for Improvement of the Economic Position of Rural Women in AP Vojvodina, 2012-2016

Development of the Strategy and the Action Plan for Improvement of the Economic Position of Rural Women in AP Vojvodina, 2012-2016

The strategy development process was highly democratic and participatory. A Work Group was formed, involving representatives from key provincial institutions, experts and activists working in women’s organizations. Based on a detailed analysis of existing programs and policies, key strategic areas were identified, potential barriers were mapped and recommendations for improving the quality of life for women in rural areas were formulated.

In 2013 the Government of AP Vojvodina adopted the Strategy and Action Plan for Improving the Economic Position of Rural Women in the AP Vojvodina which provides financing of programs and activities aiming to assist rural women in their further emancipation and equal participation in creating rural development policies, both at local levels of government and at the provincial level.

Three key strategic goals were identified:

1) Transformation of agricultural work of rural women from traditional to modern

2) Increase in scope and quality of non-agricultural employment of rural women

3) Improving the business environment for economic participation of rural women.