Assessment of the capacity of local self-governments in social housing in Serbia

Assessment of the capacity of local self-governments in social housing in Serbia

The United Nations Office for Project Services in the Republic of Serbia (UNOPS), as part of the preparatory phase of the preparation of the IPA 2018 program “EU Support to Social Housing and Active Inclusion”, initiated the initial assessment of the capacity of local governments in the territory of Serbia in the field of social housing. This study was designed to explore as closely as possible the measures and steps in the future implementation of the program. UNOPS implements this program for the needs of the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure and the Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veterans’ and Social Affairs, in order to improve living conditions and introduce active inclusion measures to increase employability and income of vulnerable categories.

The SeConS – Development Initiative Group, with its team of experts and associates in the field, toured 30 municipalities to collect data that provides a basis for evaluating existing experience on basic potentially implemented social housing programs, as well as the capacity of local governments to implement future projects and map the needs of vulnerable people category of citizens. Based on the obtained results, a report was prepared containing key findings obtained from the research, as well as recommendations for improving existing and implementing new programs dealing with social housing for vulnerable groups in the Republic of Serbia.